
I’m Kris Carr, a 62 year old gentleman that has chosen to assist all with Clean Water, Healthy Food, Safe Shelter and Loving Care.

I started out drawing rooms to live in when I was 5 years old. I had spent the first 11 years of my life assisting my grandma in her garden.

The following 15 years I assisted my dad build and sell his small town Chevrolet Dealership in Iowa. For the following 20 years I assisted other automobile dealers in 5 states build and sell their stores.

It was at that time I made the change, into real estate. I moved back to Iowa, from Colorado, to assist my mom for the next 6 years. I renovated our family home and went traveling.

The following 7 years after that, I assisted my youngest son renovating houses on The North Front Rage of Colorado.

In my home I will live, work, garden and cook with Forks Over Knives.
Blessings, Kris Carr

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